INTERVIEW with Mr. Pham Ngoc Vien Linh – MAPBioPharma

INTERVIEW with Mr. Pham Ngoc Vien Linh – MAPBioPharma

August 24, 2020

1.      Kindly tell us something about your work profile/business including yourself

MAP Biopharma ( is a Spanish company with commercial offices in 4 countries and regular business in more than 40 countriesOur activities are done in the Healthcare sector, mainly in the Pharmaceutical one.

The company has two main divisions:


Distribution: Mapbiopharma is supplying APIs and FDF worldwide. We’re handling Human, Veterinary, Nutritional products and Medical Devices. 


We’re collaborating with Non-European companies that want to approach the EU market and/or improve their activities in this market. The kind of services we can offer its extensive, and it covers all the fields that pharmaceutical companies may need to approach the EU market.

Regarding myself, please find my detail in:

2.       When did you first start your business in Vietnam, and how has your professional career or your company’s career developed since then?

MAPBiopharma was founded in 2014, and we have been performing activities in Vietnam since the company’s inception

We have been developing our activities and performance in both “Division of Products” and “Division of Services” having a quick growth during these six years

3.       How do you think EVFTA will benefit the EU and Vietnam companies after this pandemic? Are there any new strategies that you’re adapting to this new situation?

We hope EVFTA can help us to increase our performance in Vietnam and help our customers to purchase our products/services at more favourable conditions.

We think the EU quality products and services we’re offering to Vietnamese Pharmaceutical companies are beneficial for them for producing better medicines that consequently are having a positive impact on the Vietnamese patients and society in general.

4.       What do you think are the biggest challenges in your industry in the future with EVFTA?

The biggest challenge may be related to how to transfer “purchase culture” from lower quality product and services mainly produced in China and India to higher quality products made in Europe

5.       In relation to the current pandemic (CoVid-19) that the world is facing, how has your company been affected, and what actions do you propose to better the situation?

Our customers are facing some impact on their production and sales schedules. This is also affecting the purchasing plans of our products. Logistic is also becoming a challenge due to the increase in prices

But the main impact is related with our Division of Services as our staff were regularly visiting Vietnam to develop Consultancy activities on-site and due to the travel bans we were not able to carry our these activities since March.

6.       Please tell us a little about plans for Mapbiopharma.

MAPBiopharma is taking Vietnam market as a priority, and the company will keep on putting Money and Human Resources in keep in growing and develop our performance in the country with our current activities and with some other new businesses that can be helpful for Vietnamese Pharmaceutical Companies to keep on offering better and better medicines to Vietnamese patients

Thanks to Mr. Linh for sharing his experience with us.

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